

Topic-Related Polarity Classification of Blog Sentences

14 years 6 months ago
Topic-Related Polarity Classification of Blog Sentences
Though polarity classification has been extensively explored at various text levels and domains, there has been only comparatively little work looking into topic-related polarity classification. This paper takes a detailed look at how sentences expressing a polar attitude towards a given topic can be retrieved from a blog collection. A cascade of independent text classifiers on top of a sentence-retrieval engine is a solution with limited effectiveness. We show that more sophisticated processing is necessary. In this context, we not only investigate the impact of a more precise detection and disambiguation of polar expressions beyond simple text classification but also inspect the usefulness of a joint analysis of topic terms and polar expressions. In particular, we examine whether any syntactic information is beneficial in this classification task.
Michael Wiegand, Dietrich Klakow
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EPIA
Authors Michael Wiegand, Dietrich Klakow
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