

Identity management: multiple presentations of self in facebook

14 years 6 months ago
Identity management: multiple presentations of self in facebook
As the use of social networking websites becomes increasingly common, the types of social relationships managed on these sites are becoming more numerous and diverse. This research seeks to gain an understanding of the issues related to managing different social networks through one system, in particular looking at how users of these systems present themselves when they are using one site to keep in contact with both their past social groups from school and their current social connections in the workplace. To do this, we examined online profile pages and interviewed employees at a large software development company who frequently use the website Facebook, a site primarily used by college students and young graduates transitioning into the work force. The outcome of this initial case study is a framework for understanding how users manage self-presentation while maintaining social relationships in heterogeneous networks. Categories and Subject Descriptors: H5.m. Information interfaces...
Joan Morris DiMicco, David R. Millen
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Joan Morris DiMicco, David R. Millen
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