

Assessing the Efficacy of Variable Compliance Tactile Displays

14 years 7 months ago
Assessing the Efficacy of Variable Compliance Tactile Displays
Tactile displays based on pin arrays are challenging to design because they require a large number of individually controllable pins, or "tactors". A semiactive approach such as variable compliance could lead to improvements in tactor density, power consumption, size, and weight. However, the effectiveness of such an approach at conveying information to the user has not previously been studied. This paper presents an experiment that compares the performance of height varying and compliance varying pin arrays. It was found that users of a variable compliance pin array took at least
Michael A. Taylor, Aaron R. Ferber, J. Edward Colg
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Michael A. Taylor, Aaron R. Ferber, J. Edward Colgate
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