

Certification of Smart-Card Applications in Common Criteria

14 years 4 months ago
Certification of Smart-Card Applications in Common Criteria
This paper describes the certification of smart-card applications in the framework of Common Criteria. In this framework, a smart-card application is represented by a model of its specification, a functional specification describing an input-output relationship, a low-level design, and implementation code. The certification process consists of the following tasks: (1) prove that the model, the functional specification, the low-level design, and the code satisfy security properties in the smart-card application's specification, and (2) prove that there is a representation correspondence between each two consecutive representations. For each task, a certificate or a collection of certificates are needed to certify the accomplishment of the task. All representations of a smart-card application are essentially programs and the representation correspondences are properties relating two programs. We show that a theory of program properties can be applied to the certification process. T...
Iman Narasamdya, Michaël Périn
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where FASE
Authors Iman Narasamdya, Michaël Périn
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