

Efficient Estimation of More Detailed Internet IP Maps

14 years 3 months ago
Efficient Estimation of More Detailed Internet IP Maps
Router-level maps of the Internet implicate a large body of research on network management, overlay networks, performance evaluation, and security. The inaccuracies in these maps result in misleading conclusions. In this paper, we propose AROMA(Accurate ROuter-level MAp), a tool to infer routerlevel, layer-3 maps of the Internet. AROMA uncovers more routers and links in targeted (mapped) networks than existing tools with less probing overhead. For example, AROMA reveals the same number of routers and links as the Rocketfuel tool after sending less than 5.1% of the number of probes used by Rocketfuel, and reveals at least 100% more links and routers than Rocketuel while using the same number of probe packets. We use AROMA to draw the maps of four major ISP networks and revisit the conclusions drawn by earlier research on the Internet IP structure. Surprisingly, AROMA maps consistently reveal that core routers have a higher degree than edge routers in contrast to the recently suggested h...
Sangmin Kim, Khaled Harfoush
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Sangmin Kim, Khaled Harfoush
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