

Performances of Galois Sub-hierarchy-building Algorithms

14 years 7 months ago
Performances of Galois Sub-hierarchy-building Algorithms
Abstract. The Galois Sub-hierarchy (GSH) is a polynomial-size representation of a concept lattice which has been applied to several fields, such as software engineering and linguistics. In this paper, we analyze the performances, in terms of computation time, of three GSH-building algorithms with very different algorithmic strategies: Ares, Ceres and Pluton. We use Java and C++ as implementation languages and Galicia as our development platform. Our results show that implementations in C++ are significantly faster, and that in most cases Pluton is the best algorithm.
Gabriela Arévalo, Anne Berry, Marianne Huch
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Gabriela Arévalo, Anne Berry, Marianne Huchard, Guillaume Perrot, Alain Sigayret
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