

Securing Java RMI-Based Distributed Applications

14 years 6 months ago
Securing Java RMI-Based Distributed Applications
Both Java RMI and Jini use a proxy-based architecture. In this architecture, a client interacts with a service through a proxy, which is code downloaded from a directory and installed on the client's machine. An attacker who controls the communication channels or the directory may compromise the confidentiality and integrity of the client and of the service. We present a security architecture that protects both clients and services in distributed proxy-based computing. In this architecture, the service registers a signed authentication proxy with the directory. The client, after downloading a signed authentication proxy from the directory, verifies the signature on the proxy, authenticates itself to the service through the proxy, and receives a dedicated session proxy for the service over a secure channel. We also describe a Java-based toolkit that implements the security architecture. This toolkit enables developers to add security to Java RMI-based applications with minimal imp...
Ninghui Li, John C. Mitchell, Derrick Tong
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Ninghui Li, John C. Mitchell, Derrick Tong
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