

Affective Feedback in a Tutoring System for Procedural Tasks

14 years 6 months ago
Affective Feedback in a Tutoring System for Procedural Tasks
We discuss the affective aspects of tutoring dialogues in an ITS -called INES- that helps students to practice nursing tasks using a haptic device and a virtual environment. Special attention is paid to affective control in the tutoring process by means of selecting the appropriate feedback, taking into account elements of the student's character, the harmfulness of errors made, and the emotional effects of errors and feedback. The tutoring system will adjust both the affective language used and the overall teaching tactics.
Dirk Heylen, Maarten Vissers, Rieks op den Akker,
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ADS
Authors Dirk Heylen, Maarten Vissers, Rieks op den Akker, Anton Nijholt
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