

Secret Sharing with Access Structures in a Hierarchy

14 years 6 months ago
Secret Sharing with Access Structures in a Hierarchy
2004, Chang et al. suggested an approach that solves the problem of secret sharing with access structures in a hierarchy. They used the concept of discrete logarithmto reuse shadows, and adopted Cho [4]mechanism to achieve theproperties of hierarchical key management. However, Changk scheme requires a lot of time for computation. this paper, we adopt one-way hash function to allow the shadows to be reused and achieve the properties of hierarchical access control. The proposed scheme more than Changk scheme.
Chin-Chen Chang, Chu-Hsing Lin, Wei Lee, Pai-Cheng
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where AINA
Authors Chin-Chen Chang, Chu-Hsing Lin, Wei Lee, Pai-Cheng Hwang
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