

Wide-Area Real-Time Distributed Computing in a Tightly Managed Optical Grid - An Optiputer Vision

14 years 6 months ago
Wide-Area Real-Time Distributed Computing in a Tightly Managed Optical Grid - An Optiputer Vision
: Wide area network (WAN) -based distributed computing (DC) has become an active field of research, especially under the label of grid computing. On the other hand, research on WAN-based real-time (RT) DC has remained in an embryonic stage. The situation is changing, however. Continuous increase in the availability of optical channels, called lambdas, along with steady decrease of their costs, have given rise to efforts to establish optical network infrastructure in which the possibility of dynamically allocating entire end-to-end light-paths to different message streams created by a moderate number of important applications is real. With such infrastructure there is no major obstacle in facilitating RT DC. The notion of RT distributed virtual computer (DVC), which can also be viewed as an RT sub-grid, is introduced. Then the challenging issues in adapting some promising technologies established for RT DC in LAN environments to enable realization of RT DVCs in WAN environments are disc...
K. H. (Kane) Kim
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where AINA
Authors K. H. (Kane) Kim
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