

Age Differences in Rendezvousing: 18-30s Vs. 31-45s

14 years 6 months ago
Age Differences in Rendezvousing: 18-30s Vs. 31-45s
One strategy for increasing the usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction of wireless navigation and related services is to tailor a package of services to meet the requirements of particular user groups. This paper reports a diary study, which compared the rendezvousing performance and behaviour of two age groups - 18-30s and 31-45s. The age groups differed in the following respects: (i) 31-45s more frequently attributed problems rendezvousing to the overrunning of previous activities, and to the spontaneous performance of additional tasks (`side-stepping'); (ii) 31-45s more frequently experienced lost opportunities associated with the failure to meet as initially agreed in the form of personal sacrifices; and (iii) 31-45s more frequently changed plans for the rendezvous. The explanation for these differences suggested by the diaries is that commitments to spouse and children lead 31-45s to pack their lives more tightly with activities than 18-30s. Some implications for tailoring ...
Martin Colbert
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Martin Colbert
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