

A Formal General Setting for Dialogue Protocols

14 years 4 months ago
A Formal General Setting for Dialogue Protocols
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a general and abstract formal setting for argumentative dialogue protocols. We identify a minimal set of basic parameters that characterize dialogue protocols. By combining three parameters, namely the possibility or not of backtracking, the number of moves per turn and the turn-taking of the agents, we identify eight classes of protocols. We show that those classes can be reduced to three main classes: a `rigid' class, an `intermediary' one and a `flexible' one. Although different proposals have been made for characterizing dialogue protocols, they usually take place in particular settings, where the locutions uttered and the commitments taken by the agents during dialogues and even the argumentation system that is involved are fixed. The present approach only assumes a minimal specification of the notion of dialogue essentially based on its external structure. This allows for protocol comparison and ensures the generality of the resu...
Leila Amgoud, Sihem Belabbes, Henri Prade
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Leila Amgoud, Sihem Belabbes, Henri Prade
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