

The Design of Evolutionary Process Modeling Languages

14 years 6 months ago
The Design of Evolutionary Process Modeling Languages
To formalize a software process, its important aspects must be extracted as a model. Many processes are used repeatedly, and the ability to automate a process is also desired. One approach is to use a notation that already exists, such as a programming language, and extend it. However, the intricacies and restrictions the programming language places on the ability to succinctly and clearly describe a process can be problematic. An alternative approach is to develop a language specifically for describing processes. A significant disadvantage of this approach, however, is the lack of tool support for ensuring model correctness. We discuss a high-level language that encourages evolutionary model development and describe a tool for performing model verification. We have used our language and tool on the NetBeans model for distributed software development.
Darren C. Atkinson, Daniel C. Weeks, John Noll
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Darren C. Atkinson, Daniel C. Weeks, John Noll
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