

A Topology-Aware Overlay Multicast Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

14 years 6 months ago
A Topology-Aware Overlay Multicast Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
AOMP (Ad-hoc Overlay Multicast Protocol) is a novel approach for application-layer multicast in ad-hoc networks. We introduce in this paper a new algorithm that exploits a few properties of IP-routing to extract underlying topology information. The basic idea is to match nodes' path to the source in order to detect near neighbors in the physical topology. Then, in a dynamic and decentralized way, we construct a minimum cost mobility-aware delivery tree, connecting nodes that are close to each other. We design a tree improvement algorithm in order to enhance the global performance of AOMP during data distribution. Our simulations results show that, compared to previously proposed application-layer multicast structures, AOMP yields trees with lower cost and traffic redundancy. In addition, it performs well in terms of packet losses, especially in case of node mobility.
Mohamed Ali Kâafar, Cyrine Mrabet, Thierry T
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Mohamed Ali Kâafar, Cyrine Mrabet, Thierry Turletti
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