

Anatomy and Physiology of an Artificial Vision Matrix

14 years 6 months ago
Anatomy and Physiology of an Artificial Vision Matrix
We present a detailed account of the processing that occurs within a biologically-inspired model for visual homing. The Corner Gradient Snapshot Model (CGSM) initially presented in [1] was inspired by the snapshot model [2] which provided an algorithmic explanation for the ability of honeybees to return to a place of interest after being displaced. The concept of cellular vision is introduced as a constraint on processing. A cellular vision matrix processes visual information using retinotopically arranged layers of low-level processing elements interacting locally. This style of processing reflects general principles known of visual processing throughout the animal kingdom. From a technical standpoint, this style of processing is inherently parallel. Here we describe a cellular vision matrix which implements CGSM and illustrate how this matrix obeys cellular vision. Some new comparative results are presented and it is found that CGSM's performance degrades gracefully with environ...
Andrew Vardy, Franz Oppacher
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Andrew Vardy, Franz Oppacher
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