

Network-Adaptive QoS Routing Using Local Information

14 years 6 months ago
Network-Adaptive QoS Routing Using Local Information
In this paper, we propose the localized adaptive QoS routing scheme using POMDP(partially observable Markov Decision Processes) and Exploration Bonus. In order to deal with POMDP problem, we use CEA(Certainty Equivalency Approximation) technique that involves using the mean value of random variables, since it is intractable to determine the optimal solution. And we present a new path selection using the Exploration Bonus method in order to find detour path, which is better than current path and more adaptive to network environment. Also we evaluate performances of service success rate and average hop count which varies with and performance parameters, which are defined as exploration count and intervals.
Jeongsoo Han
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Jeongsoo Han
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