

Rate-Based and Gap-Based Available Bandwidth Estimation Techniques in Cross-Traffic Context

14 years 6 months ago
Rate-Based and Gap-Based Available Bandwidth Estimation Techniques in Cross-Traffic Context
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in end-to-end available bandwidth estimation. A number of estimation techniques and tools have been developed during the last few years. All of them can be classified into two models: rate-based and gap-based, according to the underlying approaches. The difference in characteristics of both models is studied in this paper. PathChirp and IGI are selected to represent each model and they are evaluated on low speed paths which are typical in today's local access of the Internet. Finally a hybrid method adopting both rate-based and gap-based approaches is proposed. The hybrid method is compared with pathChirp and IGI. Simulation proves that the hybrid method yields more accurate results and reduces overhead traffic.
Wayman Tan, Marat Zhanikeev, Yoshiaki Tanaka
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Wayman Tan, Marat Zhanikeev, Yoshiaki Tanaka
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