

HVEM Grid: Experiences in Constructing an Electron Microscopy Grid

14 years 6 months ago
HVEM Grid: Experiences in Constructing an Electron Microscopy Grid
This paper proposes HVEM-Grid, which is the cornerstone for tele-instrumentation infrastructure. The proposed architecture is mainly oriented for people whose primary work is to get access to a remotely-located instrument, a High Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM). Our architecture is designed to materialize all the necessary requirements in allowing the user to 1) control every single part of HVEM in a fine-grained manner, 2) check the HVEM and observe various states of specimen, and 3) manipulate their high resolution 2-D images of the specimen. In that aspect, this paper suggests an HVEM Grid designed upon the concept of the Grid and Web Service which satisfies various types of user groups.
Hyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung, Heon Young Yeom, Hee S.
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Hyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung, Heon Young Yeom, Hee S. Kweon, Jysoo Lee
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