

Motion Blending for Real-Time Animation while Accounting for the Environment

14 years 4 months ago
Motion Blending for Real-Time Animation while Accounting for the Environment
Using motion capture systems to animate humanlike figures still remains difficult when the movements are complex or need to be adapted to geometric constraints. We propose a new method to blend several captured movements while adapting the trajectories to new skeletons and unknown environments. For each body part (considered as resources), a priority is defined for each movement (considered as consumers). The trajectories applied to the skeleton consist of a weighted sum of the motions trajectories. A new technique to compute the weights is proposed. Finally, the system adapts the resulting trajectories to the synthetic skeleton and to the environment. The results enabled us to animate up to a hundred of actors in interactive environments.
Stéphane Ménardais, Franck Multon, R
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CGI
Authors Stéphane Ménardais, Franck Multon, Richard Kulpa, Bruno Arnaldi
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