

Visualizing Sunsets through Inhomogeneous Atmospheres

14 years 6 months ago
Visualizing Sunsets through Inhomogeneous Atmospheres
In this paper, it is described a method of curved ray tracing capable of depicting phenomena that arise, under certain conditions, when light propagates through an inhomogeneous atmosphere. As an example application the distortions in the spherical shape of the sun during sunsets are modelled, including split suns, flattened suns and double suns. Nevertheless, the method is general and can be applied to any media in which the index of refraction is a function of the position.
Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Guille
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CGI
Authors Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Guillermo Gutierrez, Eva Cerezo
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