

XTR Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware

14 years 6 months ago
XTR Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware
Abstract. Recently, Lenstra and Verheul proposed an efficient cryptosystem called XTR. This system represents elements of F p6 with order dividing p2 -p+1 by their trace over Fp2 . Compared with the usual representation, this one achieves a ratio of three between security size and manipulated data. Consequently very promising performance compared with RSA and ECC are expected. In this paper, we are dealing with hardware implementation of XTR, and more precisely with Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The intrinsic parallelism of such a device is combined with efficient modular multiplication algorithms to obtain effective implementation(s) of XTR with respect to time and area. We also compare our implementations with hardware implementations of RSA and ECC. This shows that XTR achieves a very high level of speed with small area requirements: an XTR exponentiation is carried out in less than 0.21 ms at a frequency beyond 150 MHz.
Eric Peeters, Michael Neve, Mathieu Ciet
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CHES
Authors Eric Peeters, Michael Neve, Mathieu Ciet
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