

Distributed Modular Toolbox for Multi-modal Context Recognition

14 years 4 months ago
Distributed Modular Toolbox for Multi-modal Context Recognition
Abstract. We present a GUI-based C++ toolbox that allows for building distributed, multi-modal context recognition systems by plugging together reusable, parameterizable components. The goals of the toolbox are to simplify the steps from prototypes to online implementations on low-power mobile devices, facilitate portability between platforms and foster easy adaptation and extensibility. The main features of the toolbox we focus on here are a set of parameterizable algorithms including different filters, feature computations and classifiers, a runtime environment that supports complex synchronous and asynchronous data flows, encapsulation of hardware-specific aspects including sensors and data types (e.g., int vs. float), and the ability to outsource parts of the computation to remote devices. In addition, components are provided for group-wise, event-based sensor synchronization and data labeling. We describe the architecture of the toolbox and illustrate its functionality on two case...
David Bannach, Kai S. Kunze, Paul Lukowicz, Oliver
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ARCS
Authors David Bannach, Kai S. Kunze, Paul Lukowicz, Oliver Amft
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