

An Argumentation-Based Approach for Dialog Move Selection

14 years 6 months ago
An Argumentation-Based Approach for Dialog Move Selection
Abstract. Modeling different types of dialog between autonomous agents is becoming an important research issue. Several proposals exist with a clear definition of the dialog protocol, which is the set of rules governing the high level behavior of the dialog. However, things seem different with the notion of strategy. There is no consensus on the definition of a strategy and on the parameters necessary for its definition. Consequently, there are no methodology and no formal models for strategies. This paper argues that a strategy is a decision problem that consists of: i) selecting the type of act to utter at a given step of a dialog, and ii) selecting the content that will accompany the act. The first kind of decision amounts to select among all the acts allowed by the protocol, the best option which according to some strategic beliefs of the agent will at least satisfy the most important strategic goals of the agent. The second kind of decision consists of selecting among different al...
Leila Amgoud, Nabil Hameurlain
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Leila Amgoud, Nabil Hameurlain
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