

Enhancing agent-oriented models with aspects

14 years 4 months ago
Enhancing agent-oriented models with aspects
The modular representation of concerns is imperative in the design modeling of multi-agent systems (MASs). However, MAS designers typically face a number of concerns that inherently affect several system agents and their respective internal elements, such as actions and goals. These crosscutting concerns encompass both internal and systemic properties, such as learning, mobility, error handling, and security. Without an explicit modeling of such MAS properties, designers can not properly communicate and reason about them and their broadly-scoped effects. The result is a multitude of agent-oriented design breakdowns: poor traceability from requirements to design models, hindering of reuse opportunities, and decreased evolvability. This paper presents an enhancement of an existing agent-oriented modeling language with aspects. We illustrate the use of our approach through some classical examples of crosscutting concerns in agent-oriented design models. Keywords Agent-oriented software e...
Alessandro F. Garcia, Christina Chavez, Ricardo Ch
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ATAL
Authors Alessandro F. Garcia, Christina Chavez, Ricardo Choren
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