

Competing sellers in online markets: reserve prices, shill bidding, and auction fees

14 years 6 months ago
Competing sellers in online markets: reserve prices, shill bidding, and auction fees
In this paper, we consider competition between sellers offering similar items in concurrent online auctions, where each seller must set its individual auction parameters (such as the reserve price) in such a way as to attract buyers. We show that there exists a pure Nash equilibrium in the case of two sellers with asymmetric production costs. In addition, we show that, rather than setting a reserve price, a seller can further improve its utility by shill bidding (i.e., pretending to be a buyer in order to bid in its own auction). But, using an evolutionary simulation, we show that this shill bidding introduces inefficiences within the market. However, we then go on to show that these inefficiences can be reduced when the mediating auction institution uses appropriate auction fees that deter sellers from submitting shill bids. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence] General Terms Economics Keywords Mechanism Design, Competition, Shill Bidding, Au...
Enrico H. Gerding, Alex Rogers, Rajdeep K. Dash, N
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ATAL
Authors Enrico H. Gerding, Alex Rogers, Rajdeep K. Dash, Nicholas R. Jennings
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