

Improving Exception Handling by Discovering Change Dependencies in Adaptive Process Management Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Improving Exception Handling by Discovering Change Dependencies in Adaptive Process Management Systems
Abstract. Process-aware information systems should enable the flexible alignment of business processes to new requirements by supporting deviations from the predefined process model at runtime. To facilitate such dynamic process changes we have adopted techniques from casebased reasoning (CBR). In particular, our existing approach allows to capture the semantics of ad-hoc changes, to support their memorization, and to enable their reuse in upcoming exceptional situations. To further improve change reuse this paper presents an approach for discovering dependencies between ad-hoc modifications from change history. Based on this information better user assistance can be provided when dynamic process changes have to be made.
Barbara Weber, Werner Wild, Markus Lauer, Manfred
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where BPM
Authors Barbara Weber, Werner Wild, Markus Lauer, Manfred Reichert
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