

Interactive Point-Based Painterly Rendering

14 years 6 months ago
Interactive Point-Based Painterly Rendering
Non-photo realistic rendering (NPR) methods have been proposed for more than ten years in the Computer Graphic field. Separately, within past few years, several algorithms for rendering surfaces from their points, or point sets directly, were proposed. But so far, no NPR like painterly rendering has been proposed for point sets. In this paper, we propose an interactive point-based painterly rendering algorithm. The Interactive frame rate is achieved by using both a point-based approach to represent the geometry of the surface and an image-based approach for the rendering. Our algorithm achieves interactive rates and outperforms mesh-based previously reported results. A by-product of our work, we also provide a faster, higher quality IBPR algorithm. We have showed that using most sophisticated statistical approach, we could improve the rendering quality.
Hiroaki Kawata, Alexandre Gouaillard, Takashi Kana
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CW
Authors Hiroaki Kawata, Alexandre Gouaillard, Takashi Kanai
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