

A Static Low-Power, High-Performance 32-bit Carry Skip Adder

14 years 6 months ago
A Static Low-Power, High-Performance 32-bit Carry Skip Adder
In this paper, we present a full-static carry-skip adder designed to achieve low power dissipation and high-performance operation. To reduce the adder's delay and power consumption, the adder is divided into variable-sized blocks that balance the inputs to the carry chain. The optimum block sizes for minimizing the critical path delay with complementary carry generation are achieved. Within blocks, highly optimized carry look-ahead logic, which computes block generate and block propagate signals, is used to further decrease delay. The adder architecture decreases power consumption by reducing the number of logic levels, glitches, and transistors. To achieve balanced delay, input bits are grouped unevenly in the carry chain. This grouping reduces active power by minimizing extraneous glitches and transitions. The adder has been implemented in 130nm CMOS
Kai Chirca, Michael J. Schulte, John Glossner, Hao
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DSD
Authors Kai Chirca, Michael J. Schulte, John Glossner, Haoran Wang, Suman Mamidi, Pablo I. Balzola, Stamatis Vassiliadis
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