

On the Packet-Switched Implementation of a Discrete-Time CNN

14 years 6 months ago
On the Packet-Switched Implementation of a Discrete-Time CNN
Cellular Neural Networks are widely used with real-time image processing's applications. Such systems can be efficiently realized using macro enriched fieldprogrammable gate-arrays. This paper explores the benefits of packet switching and discusses its advantages over a current design based on circuit switching. The implementation is performed using Xilinx Virtex-II Pro P30 and handles around 500 Mpixels per second using 128 parallel processing nodes. Keywords
Suleyman Malki, Lambert Spaanenburg
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DSD
Authors Suleyman Malki, Lambert Spaanenburg
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