

A Decentralized Algorithm for Erasure-Coded Virtual Disks

14 years 6 months ago
A Decentralized Algorithm for Erasure-Coded Virtual Disks
A Federated Array of Bricks is a scalable distributed storage system composed from inexpensive storage bricks. It achieves high reliability with low cost by using erasure coding across the bricks to maintain data reliability in the face of brick failures. Erasure coding generates n encoded blocks from m data blocks (n > m) and permits the data blocks to be reconstructed from any m of these encoded blocks. We present a new fully decentralized erasurecoding algorithm for an asynchronous distributed system. Our algorithm provides fully linearizable read-write access to erasure-coded data and supports concurrent I/O controllers that may crash and recover. Our algorithm relies on a novel quorum construction where any two quorums intersect in m processes.
Svend Frølund, Arif Merchant, Yasushi Saito
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DSN
Authors Svend Frølund, Arif Merchant, Yasushi Saito, Susan Spence, Alistair C. Veitch
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