

The Helpful Environment: Distributed Agents and Services Which Cooperate

14 years 6 months ago
The Helpful Environment: Distributed Agents and Services Which Cooperate
Imagine a future environment where networks of agents - people, robots and software agents - interact with sophisticated sensor grids and environmental actuators to provide advice, protection and aid. The systems will be integral to clothing, communications devices, vehicles, transportation systems, buildings, and pervasive in the environment. Vehicles and buildings could assist both their occupants and those around them. Systems would adapt and respond to emergencies whether communication were possible or not. Where feasible, local help would be used, with appropriate calls on shared services facilitated whenever this is both possible and necessary. Through this framework requests for assistance could be validated and brokered to available and appropriate services in a highly distributed fashion. Services would be provided to individuals or communities through this network to add value and give all sorts of assistance beyond emergency response aspects. In emergency situations, the loc...
Austin Tate
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CIA
Authors Austin Tate
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