

Managing Quality-of-Control Performance Under Overload Conditions

14 years 6 months ago
Managing Quality-of-Control Performance Under Overload Conditions
A common method for dealing with overload conditions in periodic task systems is to reduce the load by enlarging activation periods. When a periodic task implements a digital controller, however, the variation applied on the task period also affects the control law, which needs to be recomputed for the new activation rate. If computing a new control law requires too much time to be performed at runtime, a set of controllers has to be designed off line for different rates and the system has to switch to the proper controller in the presence of an overload condition. In this paper, we present a method for reducing the number of controllers to be designed off line, while still guaranteeing a given control performance. The proposed approach has been integrated with the elastic scheduling theory to promptly react to overload conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been verified through extensive simulation experiments performed on an inverted pendulum.
Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Manel Velasco, Pau Mart&iacut
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Manel Velasco, Pau Martí, Gerhard Fohler
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