

Mining Traveling and Purchasing Behaviors of Customers in Electronic Commerce Environment

14 years 6 months ago
Mining Traveling and Purchasing Behaviors of Customers in Electronic Commerce Environment
Web usage mining is the process of extracting interesting patterns from web logs. This paper proposes an IPA (Integrating Path traversal patterns and Association rules) model for web usage mining in the EC (Electronic Commerce) environment. The IPA model takes both the traveling and purchasing behaviors of customers into consideration at the same time to overcome the disadvantages of the pure association rule mining and pure path traversal pattern mining. The IPA model considers not only user traversal forward information but also backward information. Besides, web structure is also used in this paper to prune unnecessary candidates. Especially, the IPA model allows the noise exist in web transactions. The experimental results show that the IPA model can correctly capture the user's traversing and purchasing behaviors.
Yue-Shi Lee, Show-Jane Yen, Ghi-Hua Tu, Min-Chi Hs
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where EEE
Authors Yue-Shi Lee, Show-Jane Yen, Ghi-Hua Tu, Min-Chi Hsieh
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