

Predicting Real-Time Properties of Component Assemblies: A Scenario-Simulation Approach

14 years 6 months ago
Predicting Real-Time Properties of Component Assemblies: A Scenario-Simulation Approach
This paper addresses the problem of predicting timing properties of multi-tasking component assemblies during the design phase. For real-time applications, it is of vital importance to guarantee that the timing requirements of an assembly will be met. We propose a simulation-based approach for predicting the real-time behaviour of an assembly based on models of its constituent components. Our approach extends the scenario-based method in [2] by offering a system model that is tailored to the domain of real-time applications. Contributions of this paper include the possibility to handle the following features: mutual exclusion, combinations of aperiodic and periodic tasks and synchronization constraints. The analytical approach we used in previous work cannot handle these features. Therefore, we introduce the simulation-based approach. Our simulator provides data about dynamic resource consumption and real-time properties like response time, blocking time and number of missed deadlines...
Egor Bondarev, Johan Muskens, Peter H. N. de With,
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Egor Bondarev, Johan Muskens, Peter H. N. de With, Michel R. V. Chaudron, Johan Lukkien
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