

Evaluation of Component Technologies with Respect to Industrial Requirements

14 years 6 months ago
Evaluation of Component Technologies with Respect to Industrial Requirements
We compare existing component technologies for embedded systems with respect to industrial requirements. The requirements are collected from the vehicular industry, but our findings are applicable to similar industries developing resource constrained safety critical embedded distributed real-time computer systems. One of our conclusions is that none of the studied technologies is a perfect match for the industrial requirements. Furthermore, no single technology stands out as being a significantly better choice than the others; each technology has its own pros and cons. The results of our evaluation can be used to guide modifications or extensions to existing technologies, making them better suited for industrial deployment. Companies that want to make use of component-based software engineering as available today can use this evaluation to select a suitable technology.
Anders Möller, Mikael Åkerholm, Johan F
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Anders Möller, Mikael Åkerholm, Johan Fredriksson, Mikael Nolin
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