

Towards an Event-Driven Workplace for Knowledge Integration

14 years 6 months ago
Towards an Event-Driven Workplace for Knowledge Integration
A contemporary office or knowledge worker has to deal with an ever increasing number of information channels and associated flows of events (i.e., software applications using varying terminologies and access procedures). The events from different sources in varying terminology need suitable interpretation in the local context for (a) determining basic relevance, (b) understanding context-specific semantics, and (c) making and maintaining semantic connections between information demands from different sources. Without (tool) support the office-worker has to use her brain for this overhead activity instead of focusing on the actual work. This paper introduces concepts on how to standardize "business events" to allow unified treatment of information flow regardless of the specific information channel they come from. These concepts of unified meta-data extraction, meta-data annotation, and unified user-tostorage interface (i.e., a non-intrusive personal assistant) relieve the us...
Alexander Schatten, Stefan Biffl
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Alexander Schatten, Stefan Biffl
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