

Dataset Issues in Object Recognition

14 years 6 months ago
Dataset Issues in Object Recognition
Appropriate datasets are required at all stages of object recognition research, including learning visual models of object and scene categories, detecting and localizing instances of these models in images, and evaluating the performance of recognition algorithms. Current datasets are lacking in several respects, and this paper discusses some of the lessons learned from existing efforts, as well as innovative ways to obtain very large and diverse annotated datasets. It also suggests a few criteria for gathering future datasets.
Jean Ponce, Tamara L. Berg, Mark Everingham, David
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CLOR
Authors Jean Ponce, Tamara L. Berg, Mark Everingham, David A. Forsyth, Martial Hebert, Svetlana Lazebnik, Marcin Marszalek, Cordelia Schmid, Bryan C. Russell, Antonio B. Torralba, Christopher K. I. Williams, Jianguo Zhang, Andrew Zisserman
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