MPEG, the Mowing Picture Experts Group, is a popular compression standard used in many multimedia applications. In video distribution systems, a CBR communications channel is often shared among several VBR MPEG video streams. Since there are fluctuations of data rates an video streams, trafic congestion may occur and video quality may he aflected. We propose a frame-skipping aggregation technique to multiplex several MPEG streams (outside the network) to feed into a CBR channel (within the network). The salient feature of the scheme is that the transmission of B frames wall he skipped (outside the network) before the onset of trafic congestion so as to minimize the image quality degradation. Our result shows that using this technique, more users can he supported compared to regular video transmission systems. This technique allows us to adopt a simple call admission strategy an which video requests are granted based on their mean rates.
A. Yeung, Soung C. Liew