

Rigorous Bounds on Cryptanalytic Time/Memory Tradeoffs

14 years 6 months ago
Rigorous Bounds on Cryptanalytic Time/Memory Tradeoffs
In this paper we formalize a general model of cryptanalytic time/memory tradeoffs for the inversion of a random function f : {0, 1, . . . , N - 1} {0, 1, . . . , N - 1}. The model contains all the known tradeoff techniques as special cases. It is based on the new notion of stateful random graphs, whose evolution depends on a hidden state such as the color in the Rainbow scheme or the table number in the classical Hellman scheme. We prove an upper bound on the number of images y = f(x) for which f can be inverted using a tradeoff scheme, and derive from it a lower bound on the number of hidden states. These bounds hold with an overwhelming probability over the random choice of the function f, and their proofs are based on a rigorous combinatorial analysis. With some additional natural assumptions on the behavior of the online phase of the algorithm, we prove a lower bound on its worst-case time complexity T = ( N2 M2 ln N ), where M is the memory complexity. We describe several new var...
Elad Barkan, Eli Biham, Adi Shamir
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Elad Barkan, Eli Biham, Adi Shamir
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