

Window Subsequence Problems for Compressed Texts

14 years 6 months ago
Window Subsequence Problems for Compressed Texts
Given two strings (a text t of length n and a pattern p) and a natural number w, window subsequence problems consist in deciding whether p occurs as a subsequence of t and/or finding the number of size (at most) w windows of text t which contain pattern p as a subsequence, i.e. the letters of pattern p occur in the text window, in the same order as in p, but not necessarily consecutively (they may be interleaved with other letters). We are searching for subsequences in a text which is compressed using Lempel-Ziv-like compression algorithms, without decompressing the text, and we would like our algorithms to be almost optimal, in the sense that they run in time O(m) where m is the size of the compressed text. The pattern is uncompressed (because the compression algorithms are evolutive: various occurrences of a same pattern look different in the text).
Patrick Cégielski, Irène Guessarian,
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CSR
Authors Patrick Cégielski, Irène Guessarian, Yury Lifshits, Yuri Matiyasevich
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