

Decision with Uncertainties, Feasibilities, and Utilities: Towards a Unified Algebraic Framework

14 years 6 months ago
Decision with Uncertainties, Feasibilities, and Utilities: Towards a Unified Algebraic Framework
Several formalisms exist to express and solve decision problems. Each is designed to capture different kinds of knowledge: utilities expressing preferences, uncertainties on the environment, or feasibility constraints on the decisions, with a possible sequential aspect. Despite the fact that every framework relies on specific properties exploited by dedicated algorithms, these formalisms present interesting similarities. In this paper, we show that it is possible to capture these similarities in a generic algebraic framework for sequential decision making with uncertainties, feasibilities, and utilities. This framework subsumes several existing approaches, from constraint satisfaction problems to quantified boolean formulas, Bayesian networks or possibilistic Markov decision processes. We introduce this framework using a toy example, increasingly sophisticated by uncertainties, feasibilities and possible observations. This leads to a formal definition of the framework together with ded...
Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie, Th
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ECAI
Authors Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie, Thomas Schiex
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