

The User as Prisoner: How the Dilemma Might Dissolve

14 years 6 months ago
The User as Prisoner: How the Dilemma Might Dissolve
Abstract. Content objects are essential links between Knowledge Management and E-Learning systems. Therefore content authoring and sharing is an important, interdisciplinary topic in the resp. fields. In this paper, we want to critically elaborate on the "user as producer and consumer"-concept for content production and consumption. We address the subject by using the notion of content collaboration as example for the "Prisoner's Dilemma", in which the sensible way out (from a macroperspective) is sensibly not pursued by an individual (from a microperspective). We will use this micro-perspective of a user as prisoner to analyze what the recently very successful Social Tagging processes can teach us about the user taking action as a producer and/or consumer.
Andrea Kohlhase
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Andrea Kohlhase
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