

Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web

14 years 6 months ago
Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web
Reactivity, the ability to detect and react to events, is an essential functionality in many information systems. In particular, Web systems such as online marketplaces, adaptive (e.g., recommender) systems, and Web services, react to events such as Web page updates or data posted to a server. This article investigates issues of relevance in designing high-level programming languages dedicated to reactivity on the Web. It presents twelve theses on features desirable for a language of reactive rules tuned to programming event-driven Web and Semantic Web applications. an extended abstract of a talk given during the Dagstuhl Seminar "Event Processing." A longer version of this work, which explains and justifies each thesis in detail, has been presented with the same title at the workshop "Reactivity on the Web" at EDBT 2007, see [1].
François Bry, Michael Eckert
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors François Bry, Michael Eckert
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