

Designing Multi-objective Variation Operators Using a Predator-Prey Approach

14 years 6 months ago
Designing Multi-objective Variation Operators Using a Predator-Prey Approach
In this paper, we propose a new conceptual method for the design, investigation, and evaluation of multi-objective variation operators for evolutionary multi-objective algorithms. To this end, we apply a modified predator-prey model that allows an independent analysis of different operators. Using this model problem specific operators can be combined to more complex operators. Additionally, we review the simplex recombination, a new rotation-independent recombination scheme, and examine its impact concerning our design method. We show exemplarily as a first attempt the advantageous combination of several standard variation operators that lead to better results for selected test functions.
Christian Grimme, Joachim Lepping
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where EMO
Authors Christian Grimme, Joachim Lepping
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