

Competence Checking for the Global E-Service Society Using Games

14 years 6 months ago
Competence Checking for the Global E-Service Society Using Games
Abstract. We study the problem of checking the competence of communicative agents operating in a global society in order to receive and offer electronic services. Such a society will be composed of local subsocieties that will often be semi-open, viz., entrance of agents in a semiopen society is conditional to specific admission criteria. Assuming that a e agent provides an abstract description of their communicative skills, we present a test that a controller agent could perform in order to decide if a candidate agent should be admitted. We formulate this test by revisiting an existing knowledge representation framework based on games specified as extended logic programs. The resulting framework finds useful application in complex and inter-operable web-services construed as semi-open societies in support of the global vision known as the Semantic Web.
Kostas Stathis, George Lekeas, Christos Kloukinas
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ESAW
Authors Kostas Stathis, George Lekeas, Christos Kloukinas
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