

Human Computer Confluence

14 years 6 months ago
Human Computer Confluence
Pervasive Computing has postulated to invisibly integrate technology into everyday objects in such a way, that these objects turn into smart things. Not only a single object of this kind is supposed to represent the interface among the "physical world" of atoms and the "digital world" of bits, but a whole landscapes of them. The interaction among humans and such landscapes of technology rich artifacts happens to be more confluently, rather than on a per device basis. To address the confluence among humans and computing landscapes we study we study human gesticulation and the manipulation of graspable and movable everyday artifacts as a potentially effective means for the interaction with the physical environment. In detail, we consider gestures in the general sense of a movement or a state (posture) of the human body, as well as a movement or state of any physical object resulting from human manipulation. Further, based on the tangible user interface paradigm, we pr...
Alois Ferscha, Stefan Resmerita, Clemens Holzmann
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Alois Ferscha, Stefan Resmerita, Clemens Holzmann
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