

gLINC: identifying composability using group perturbation

14 years 6 months ago
gLINC: identifying composability using group perturbation
We present two novel perturbation-based linkage learning algorithms that extend LINC [5]; a version of LINC optimised for decomposition tasks (oLINC) and a hierarchical version of oLINC (gLINC). We show how gLINC decomposes a fitness landscape significantly faster than both LINC and oLINC. We present details of LINC, oLINC and gLINC, an empirical comparison of their speed, accuracy and sensitivity to population size on a concatenated trap function, and a discussion of their complexity and correctness. Categories and Subject Descriptors F.2 [Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity]: General General Terms Algorithms, Experimentation Keywords Genetic Algorithms, Linkage Learning, Epistasis, Composition, Perturbation, Hierarchical
David Jonathan Coffin, Christopher D. Clack
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors David Jonathan Coffin, Christopher D. Clack
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