

Virtual Java/FPGA interface for networked reconfiguration

14 years 6 months ago
Virtual Java/FPGA interface for networked reconfiguration
Abstract- Avirtual interfacebetweenJava andFPGA for networked reconfigurationis presented. ThroughtheJavaflFPGAinterface,Java applicationscan exploithardwareaccelerators with FPGAs for both functional flexibilityand performance acceleration. At the same time, the interface is platform independent. It enables the networked applicationdevelopers to design theirapplications with only one interface in mind when consideringthe interfacing issues. The virtual interface is part of our work to builda platform-independentdeploymentframeworkfor thenetworked services. In the framework, both the softwareand hardware componentsof services can be platform independently describedand deployed. ware and hardware bytecodes that realizes the web movie player. Normally, the software bytecodes describe the user interface, hardware/software interface, and all the computationally non-intensive functions of the player. The hardware bytecodesdescribethe FPGA reconfiguration informationthat implementsthe comput...
Yajun Ha, Geert Vanmeerbeeck, Patrick Schaumont, S
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Yajun Ha, Geert Vanmeerbeeck, Patrick Schaumont, Serge Vernalde, Marc Engels, Rudy Lauwereins, Hugo De Man
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