

Further Pruning for Efficient Association Rule Discovery

14 years 6 months ago
Further Pruning for Efficient Association Rule Discovery
The Apriori algorithm's frequent itemset approach has become the standard approach to discovering association rules. However, the computation requirements of the frequent itemset approach are infeasible for dense data and the approach is unable to discover infrequent associations. OPUS AR is an efficient algorithm for association rule discovery that does not utilize frequent itemsets and hence avoids these problems. It can reduce search time by using additional constraints on the search space as well as constraints on itemset frequency. However, the effectiveness of the pruning rules used during search will determine the efficiency of its search. This paper presents and analyses pruning rules for use with OPUS AR. We demonstrate that application of OPUS AR is feasible for a number of datasets for which application of the frequent itemset approach is infeasible and that the new pruning rules can reduce compute time by more than 40%.
Songmao Zhang, Geoffrey I. Webb
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Songmao Zhang, Geoffrey I. Webb
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