

Advanced Transactions in Enterprise JavaBeans

14 years 3 months ago
Advanced Transactions in Enterprise JavaBeans
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a new technology that aims at supporting distributed transactional component-based applications written in Java. In recent years, a lot of new advanced software applications have arisen, which have new requirements for transaction processing. Since EJB is modern concept that deals with transactions, the paper discusses the support of EJB for those requirements for advanced transactions and identifies weaknesses of transactions in EJB. The paper also proposes an extension of the current transactional concepts in EJB, which can be a remedy for some of the weaknesses identified. The extension, called Bourgogne transactions, allows a transaction to delegate bean objects to other transactions, to share bean objects with other transactions, and to establish flow control dependencies between transactions. Implementation issues together with pitfalls of the proposed extension are discussed. 1
Marek Prochazka
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where EDO
Authors Marek Prochazka
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